The Delicate Diner joins Twitter!
It is funny. You start something and very quickly, you outgrow things. I had originally planned a full website for The Delicate Diner but decided that I didn’t have time to do that right now – what with running The Arabian Magazine (horses), being on the Board for Your Gluten Freedom (next Expo on 8 May), being Chair of the Norfolk & Suffolk Arabian Horse Group (show 22 May), and all the travelling I’ve done for the magazine so far this year. But, as they always say, ask a busy person…! And anyway, what makes my time any busier than anyone else? I frequently look at my friends with children and am amazed at just what they achieve in their days. Anyway, I digress…
Back to my original point – I didn’t have time for a full website, so I opted for a quick WordPress blog. I have already realised, within just a few posts, that the site as it is isn’t going to work. The page is too long, the categories are not clear, if I were a user, I’d get bored from scrolling (so thank you for doing so..!) To me, it is clear that I need to update the site already in the very near future.
But then, there is also the question of promotion. We all need to be pushing what we do, unless we just want to write for our own pleasure and don’t mind should no-one else see it. As a published writer, that is not my aim. So I need to promote The Delicate Diner. I have Twitter accounts already – for the magazine and the local horse group, and my Facebook pages (over five at the last count), but to be truly aimed at the gluten-free person, my fellow delicate diners, I needed a Twitter account. And pronto.
The Delicate Diner is now on Twitter.
There. The link. Please follow. Please share. Please tweet and retweet. Please chirp and cheap and tweet away.
Wednesday sees me flying back to the US for the second time this year. I have blogs to write on the Marks& Spencer Free From range; a review of Stoke Mill; more information on Your Gluten Freedom. I will endeavour to get these to you as soon as humanly possible. I wish that I could blog daily but, with my current schedule, it is not an option.
So, my wonderful DDs, I wish you a pleasant evening. Enjoy a quiet night before the Monday madness begins once more. I’ve just shoved butter and wild garlic into a chicken, put lemon around it, and put it in the oven to roast. I couldn’t resist one last decent roast before I fly again, lemony-garlicky chicken with cabbage, fresh Norfolk asparagus and some good roasties – fluffy on the inside and scratchingly crisp on the outside. My indulgence before I travel once more.
Until next time, thank you for reading. Samantha xx