I have almost come to the end of my business part of my Middle Eastern trip – I am just waiting to head to an Arabian horse farm, where I will be doing the commentary. I love seeing breeding programmes and how they develop down the generations, and this will be my first visit to Al Zobair Stud – I am curious! Somehow, this trip has seen me stay on GMT rather than adapt to local time. It wasn’t planned but it has worked out that way – which has also meant that I’ve been eating less as I’m still…
Abu Dhabi was good to me tonight! My friend, Marion, suggested that we go out for dinner, so I had a little look on Doctor Google to see if I could find any hidden treasures that would go down with a Delicate Diner like me. Marion is also trying to eat gluten-free, so I knew that whatever I found would work for her, too. Time Out Abu Dhabi turned up three restaurants worth a look, and one in particular grabbed my attention. This was Jim’s Kitchen Table, located in Masdar City – close to Marion’s home and my hotel –…
This blog/site is as much about you as it is about me. If we have any kind of intolerance, then we are all Delicate Diners, at the end of the day…
Being a Delicate Diner in the modern world can be a challenging one – and then is the reaction from others – to stop being difficult, fussy or even to ‘grow up and eat what’s in front of you’. If only it were that simple!