Wow, what a welcome!
I am so excited to have so many people on Twitter, Facebook, and here, sharing and promoting The Delicate Diner already. It gives me great encouragement for the future and I know what I have planned!
However – what comes first depends on you. Would you like a restaurant review? A tasting menu I cooked myself for (UK) Mothering Sunday – and then how I used the leftovers throughout the week to ensure that there was no waste? Or would you like a good, honest, straightforward recipe, from myself or Sara, who has kindly agreed to my posting one of hers here?
Let me know! This blog/site is as much about you as it is about me. If we have any kind of intolerance, then we are all Delicate Diners, at the end of the day…
I fly to the Middle East on Monday. Six days of hotel living, two days of living at a friend’s house, and a day each there and back. During that time, I will be blogging here and also telling you a little bit more about Your Gluten Freedom.

Speak very soon, Samantha xx