Pork tenderloin, potatoes, asparagus, lemon, Skyr, The Delicate Diner, Old Hall Farm

Pork tenderloin with Mediterranean vegetables, asparagus & lemon Skyr dressing

26th May 2023Samantha Mattocks
This recipe is perfect for the long weekend, and it bridges the gap between the hot days of summer and the lingering cool of spring. The flavours of the lemon and thyme throughout this dish make it a very fresh meal. Pork tenderloin is an economical cut, and is very easy to prepare and cook. The pork is from Old Hall Farm’s own rare breed pigs, while the Skyr-style yoghurt is made with raw milk from their Jersey cows. Add in produce from The Tacons, Yare Valley, and the Fresh Herb Salt Company, and this is a dish that truly celebrates the taste of Norfolk.

4 large plum tomatoes
1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
Yare Valley cold-pressed rapeseed oil
Dried oregano
500g Tacons baby potatoes
1 lemon
4 fat garlic cloves, peeled
Fresh thyme
Fresh Herb Salt Company Original Italian Sea Salt
2 Old Hall Farm pork tenderloins*
1 bunch Tacons asparagus
200g Old Hall Farm Skyr-style yoghurt
2½ tbsp Yare Valley cold-pressed lemon rapeseed oil
Salt and black pepper

Pre-heat your oven to 100˚C / 215˚F / Gas Mark ¼.

Take the tomatoes and slice into four horizontally, or three pieces if they are on the small side. Half and deseed the peppers, then slice vertically into three or four pieces. Line a baking tray with baking paper/a silicon sheet, and add the tomatoes and peppers. It doesn’t matter if they are close together as they will shrink during the slow cook process. Drizzle with oil, scatter over some dried oregano, and season with salt and pepper. Put in the oven for 2-3 hours, until they are slow roasted to your satisfaction. Put in a bowl, drizzling the oil over, and set aside.

Pre-heat your oven to 220˚C / 425˚F / Gas Mark 7.

Scrub any soil off the potatoes and cut into four or six, depending on the size. Par-boil, then drain and give them a good shake in the saucepan. Allow to fluff for a moment, then put into a roasting tin. Half the lemon and cut one half into six pieces, then add to the potatoes, along with the garlic. Add some rapeseed oil and mix well. Take a couple of generous stalks of fresh thyme and remove the leaves, then scatter over the potato mix, then a good sprinkling of the Fresh Herb sea salt. Shake, and put into the oven for 30-40 minutes, depending on how crispy you want them. Check them after 15 minutes, and give a good shake/stir, and repeat as needed.

While the potatoes are cooking, take the pork and trim any excess fat. Heat some rapeseed oil in an oven-proof frying pan, then sear the pork for four minutes on one side, then turn over and sear for three minutes on the other. Put in the oven for 8-10 minutes until the core temperature has reached 68˚C. Remove from the pan and put on a resting board, sprinkle with salt, and cover with foil.

Put yoghurt into a small bowl and add the lemon oil. Stir well, and taste. If you’d like a runnier, more lemony flavour, add more oil. Add some black pepper and set aside.

Cook the asparagus and set aside. At this point, I return the tomatoes and peppers to the oven to warm through.

When you are ready to serve, slice the pork into thick slices, and put on a place with the vegetables around it. Add a generous dollop of the lemon Skyr dressing, and pour on an additional drop or two of oil for added colour. You can also add a drizzle of the lemon oil over the asparagus for extra zing!

Pork tenderloin, potatoes, asparagus, lemon, Skyr, The Delicate Diner, Old Hall Farm

* Pork tenderloins vary in size, so look at what your butcher has. It may be that one large one will feed four easily, or they could be smaller, so you want two. Plus, there is then the advantage of any leftovers for the next day!

© The Delicate Diner 2023 Recipe by The Delicate Diner for Old Hall Farm

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