
  • What I'm eating June review The Delicate Diner beer wine curry vinegars harissa

    The Delicate Diner’s Picks: What’s hot for June – the latest food and drink releases

    1st June 2021The Delicate Diner

    Summer has finally arrived in all her glory, so what better time to share some of the latest foodie releases from around the region and beyond?

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  • Pork, potatoes, sauce, and wine

    Perfect roast pork with crispy crackling and beef dripping potatoes

    18th November 2020The Delicate Diner

    This is a delicious recipe in which I share my tips on how to make perfect slow roast pork using Old Hall Farm rare breed pork shoulder, with crispy mustard crackling, beef dripping potatoes, and an apple and mustard sauce. Before I begin, I have to be honest. This was hands down the best pork joint I have ever had. The flavour from Old Hall Farm’s rare breed pork was incredible, and the slow cook resulted in a beautifully tender piece of meat. I shared a photo with a British friend who lives in America; she is still crying as…

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  • The Norfolk Foodie – Eastgate Larder

    29th May 2020The Delicate Diner

    The first interview in my The Norfolk Foodie series is with Jane Steward of Eastgate Larder, producer of the fantastic Eastgate Larder medlar jelly, cheese and spicy chutney that so many of us know and love. Jane is passionate about all things Norfolk, so much so that her ‘gift’ to the county is having her medlar orchards awarded National Collection status by Plant Heritage. This will ensure that not only will Norfolk continue to be recognised for this iconic status, but that the medlar fruit will take its place in the forefront of peoples’ minds once more. “I owe my…

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  • The Norfolk Foodie

    21st May 2020The Delicate Diner

    There is something special about the foodie people of Norfolk. I guess that everyone can say that about their own area – but Norfolk is truly unique. There is a pull here like no other, those that leave almost invariably return. And along with the amazing life that those of us who live here get to enjoy, with almost 100 miles of stunning coast to explore, lush green fields and open spaces, and the vibrant city of Norwich, there is the region’s own celebrated food and drink. From Norfolk saffron to the amazing medlar fruit of Eastgate Larder, which was…

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  • Fabulous Food & Perfect Pinots in Oceania

    6th May 2019The Delicate Diner

    The Delicate Diner spent a month in Oceania at the start of the year. Here, she shares some of her food and drink highlights, including her search for her perfect Pinot Noir.

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  • The Delicate Diner – MasterChef Contestant

    28th February 2019The Delicate Diner

    Thank you all for so many amazing messages following my all-too brief appearance on MasterChef tonight..  Dreams are funny things. They keep us going and inspire us, motivating us to do better. But as I have learned from this experience, you really do have to have absolute confidence in what you do and what you are aiming for The photo with this post shows the plate I planned to cook: cannon of lamb with tomato and gigantes and pesto. I had perfected it. Spent weeks working on it. And I panicked. I panicked that the celery wouldn’t be cooked enough.…

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  • The Pascall tin…

    14th November 2018The Delicate Diner

    Wednesday. November. Before all the chaos begins. Next week sees me head off to Paris with The Arabian Magazine for the Paris World Championships, the pinnacle of the halter showing year. The latest magazine come back this Friday. So now is the time to breathe and pause, and spend treasured time with family before incredibly busy times return. So with this in mind, I needed to follow a desire that has been nagging me for a few weeks now. Lunch at Benedicts Restaurant. And it didn’t disappoint. The moment you walk past the curtain, it is as though you are…

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  • Bonfire night

    5th November 2018The Delicate Diner

    Bonfire night. The night that could have dramatically changed the UK had the Gunpowder Plot gone ahead. Instead, people celebrate the macabre execution of Guy Fawkes et al by letting off fireworks into the sky. Over the centuries, the reason for the celebrations has been lost, but the ingrained need for earthy flavours that warm has remained. There is something about November. I find this is the month when all our deep-rooted instincts come to the fore. The darker days signal hibernation, and the need to feed our souls to keep us warm through these months. And the two seem…

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  • The Norwich Food & Drink Festival – a Preview

    10th June 2018The Delicate Diner

    I cannot wait for next Sunday! A celebration of all things foodie – and all things Norfolk – at the annual Norwich Food and Drink Festival. This brilliant day out for all the family will be held once more at The Forum in Norwich, as well as on the adjoining streets, and there is so much to look forward to. Cozens-Hardy LLP Solicitors are once more the headline sponsors for this fabulous event, which will see everything from cooking demos and a foodie street market to Battle of the Bangers and Splat the Dad. The event begins at 10am on Sunday…

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  • April in America

    2nd May 2018The Delicate Diner

    I love to travel and an incredibly fortunate to be able to do so with my day job. April saw me go to the United States for a trip that took me through Nevada, New Mexico, Texas and Florida. I hope you enjoy my snapshot of some of my foodie highlights.  11 April – en route to Heathrow On my way to Heathrow with the essential travel equipment – my reusable cup from Earsham Street Deli in Bungay. I cannot start the day without at least two pints of peppermint tea, and with the early start for my flight, I…

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