the delicate diner

  • Home Cooked 4 You – the best of gluten-free cooking

    7th September 2016The Delicate Diner

    Like me, Tina has spent time in the Middle East and as such, she is very much into flavour. In fact, the biggest compliment I can pay Tina is that I would serve her own food at my own parties, it is that good, and the flavours that she uses are ones that I love.

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  • Crispy crispy crackling…

    4th September 2016The Delicate Diner

    Sunday afternoon. The end of an incredibly hectic deadline – one that has been amazing, emotional and educational all rolled into one. I have just poured a deliciously large gin and tonic – The Botanist with Fever Tree, since you ask – and I have half an eye on the showjumping from Burghley. After all, once a horse girl, always a horse girl. More to the point, I am in need of comfort. For many reasons. Wiped out from long days in the office, staring at a screen and agonising over photographs of Arabian horses when there is just a…

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  • My dear Delicate Diners…

    26th July 2016The Delicate Diner

    It seems like forever since I last wrote on here. It is only 17 days, so the computer tells me, but it feels like a lifetime. So much has happened in those two and a bit weeks, and now I am packing again. My visit to Cornwall was creatively brilliant – and I was able to enjoy some great local produce along the way too! Then it was home to journalistic deadlines, an announcement about my own magazine, off to do some commentary at a horse show, and now getting ready for the British National Championships. I promise to blog…

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  • Love local – live seasonal

    3rd July 2016The Delicate Diner

    I am indulging in a pure, unadulterated weekend off. The magazine has gone to print, I’ve got yesterday’s Saturday Kitchen outrage off my chest, Andy Murray won yesterday – #GoMurray – and it’s a gloriously sunny Sunday. This last week was full of international visitors, and one especially got the tour around some of my favourite local shops. Barry has been a friend for more years than I care to remember, and he works in the Middle East with Arabian horses. Having arrived at ours on Monday night, I took Barry to Bungay on Tuesday for my famed ‘Black Dog…

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  • A delicate thank you…

    12th June 2016The Delicate Diner

    They always say, ask a busy person if you want to get things done, but sometimes, that busy person is just too busy even for themselves. Since 2004, I have owned and run The Arabian Magazine, a publication dedicated to the Arabian horse, and that has seen me travel the world and experience my wildest dreams that were, on many occasions, more incredible and ‘pinch me, is this real?’ than I ever dared to dream. I am also Chair of the Norfolk & Suffolk Arabian Horse Group, a committee that I have been involved with since I was 15 years old, and…

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  • The ultimate Norfolk Experience – Bainbridge & Benedicts

    11th June 2016The Delicate Diner

    Saturday afternoon, and it is stormy and wet. I have just conjured up a banana, walnut and chocolate gluten-free loaf cake, and that is now doing its thing in the oven. And while it cooks, and the delicious aromas begin to fill the house, it gives me time to think. Time to try and find the words to attempt to do my meal out yesterday the justice that it deserves. I always like to write any blog, feature or article at least a day after the event. That way, things have had time to settle. Emotions have calmed. Memories have clarified.…

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  • Strawberry, lime & black pepper muffins

    14th May 2016The Delicate Diner

    Outside, the sun is shining but it is cold! Mother Nature seems to tempt us with a few days of warmth before sending cold winds back to send us racing indoors in search of jumpers and warming cups of coffee. In spite of this weather rollercoaster, nature’s own bounty is plentiful and for that reason, May remains my favourite month of the year. From the cherry blossom dressing the trees to the arrival of fresh Norfolk asparagus in the shops, there are signs everywhere that summer, is at last, unfurling herself and is ready to warm us in her soothing…

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  • Scotch Egg heaven from Glorious Fodder

    10th May 2016The Delicate Diner

    I don’t know about you, my dear Delicate Diners, but Scotch eggs are something that I miss very much in my gluten-free life. They scream of picnics, of summer days, of eating outside – at the beach, a show, in the garden at a party with family around you, wasps buzzing around a groaning plastic table covered in open jars and jugs of Pimms. Yes, the great British Scotch egg is a thing of delight indeed. The history of this golden ball of crumbed delight is varied. Fortnum & Mason claim to have made the first one in the 18th…

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  • Sirocco, Sabrina Ghayour: Chocolate, cardamom & espresso

    2nd May 2016The Delicate Diner

    We had a slice last night – badly sliced and decadent in the extreme, and it was light, flavoursome, aromatic, balanced, indulgent and wickedly delicious, all in one mouthful. I did wonder if a slice late in the evening, before going to bed, was a good idea, but I slept well.

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  • Your Gluten Freedom Expo – 8 May 2016

    1st May 2016The Delicate Diner

    This time next week, the second Your Gluten Freedom Expo will be taking place at The Forum in Norwich. The Expo will bring together a whole range of gluten-free – and often dairy-free, low sugar and vegan, too – offerings under the same roof. With cooking demos and educational talks taking place throughout the day, this Expo really is worth a visit.

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